About Our School
Hello Lions!
We’re all so excited to begin another school year here at Lewis and Clark Elementary School! We hope you’ve had a wonderful summer and have enjoyed the great weather, time with family, and being outside with friends. Thank you for committing to be a partner in education with our Lewis and Clark Lions. We all look forward to working with you and your family!
Lewis & Clark is centrally located in Grand Forks and is home to approximately 200 students in grades K-5. Our school community is proud of Lewis & Clark’s history, and our staff members strive to continue the legacy of success that was established in 1953. Our vision states that Lewis & Clark is a place where all students reach their potential through exploration, creativity, and solving problems with a real-world focus. Learning goals are centered around the North Dakota State Standards and are taught through the implementation of our district’s curriculum.
The following initiatives are integrated into our instruction: Reading Recovery, Jan Richardson Guided Reading, Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS), the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP), Multi-Tiered Support Systems for Academics and Behavior (MTSS), School-Wide Enrichment Program (SWEP), and the Marzano Teacher Evaluation model. We are committed to providing instructional programming that is research-based and individualized to meet the diverse social, emotional, and academic needs of our students.
The teachers and support staff at Lewis & Clark are highly-trained and believe in putting kids first. Our behavior expectations are centered around respect, responsibility, and safety, and we enjoy celebrating successes, both small and large. We are grateful to have the strong support of our families and a PTO that actively fundraises to enrich the educational opportunities provided in our school. In May 2019, Lewis & Clark attained certification as a Level 1 (Safe, Supportive & Collaborative Culture) High-Reliability School (HRS) through Marzano Research. In March 2023, we attained HRS Level 2 (Effective Teaching in Every Classroom) certification. We are proud to share these accomplishments!
If you are planning to enroll your child at Lewis & Clark, please contact our school office at (701) 746-2285. Registration information can also be located on the Grand Forks Public School’s homepage under the “Registration” tab. Please look for Lewis & Clark on Twitter at #gfpslionpride and on Facebook @LewisandClarkPTO.
Thanks for showing an interest in our school!
Mr. Loren Hoheisel, Principal